Because you know, its a website about autism so there's got to be the obligatory jigsaw reference!



  • ABA - Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • AS - Asperger’s Syndrome (or Aspergers). It is to autism but without any language delay and with average or above intelligence.
  • ASC - Autism spectrum condition
  • ASD - Autism spectrum disorder
  • HFA - High Functioning Autism
  • NAS - National Autistic Society (UK)
  • NT - Neurotypical
  • PDD-NOS - Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. The person possesses behaviours seen in autism but they do not meet the full criteria for having an autistic disorder


  • Aspie A person with Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Autie - A person with Autism


  • Disability Statistical Manual (DSM) - it is an American catalogue of medical diagnoses. We're currently on version DSM-IV.
  • TOM - Theory of Mind. This is one's ability to understand that others have thoughts, feelings and desires which are different from your own. Empathy.
  • Triad of Impairments - the areas autistic people supposedly find difficult to process: social interaction, social communication and social imagination.


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